

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mommy Time Monday - Week of Thanksgiving!

Mommy Time Monday! Each week I'll draw and post a tarot card from The Housewives Tarot and share it with you. So go ahead, sit down and take some time for yourself, you never know what inspiration and advice The Housewives may have for you!

This week is going to be a busy one for most of us - whether you are a mom, wife, housewife, or even if you're a dad, husband, or single person of any gender.... it's the week of Thanksgiving!  At least here in the United States it means family gatherings, time off from work, kids out of school.... and lots of food to be prepared and eaten!  So for this week's Mommy Time Monday card I have drawn three cards for us rather than just one!  Happy Thanksgiving!  Let's see what the week has in store for us and what advice our Housewife archetypes have for us! (also, my scanner still is not working.... so these photographs of the cards will have to do!)

Card 1; 5 of PentaclesWhoops!  This housewife is off to a rough start... she's dropping dishes and has broken some of her valuable fine china.  This card represents to financial and monetary setbacks that many of us are experiencing right now.  It's been a rough year and the economy has had more downs than ups and this might be effecting our outlook on the upcoming holidays.  The 5 of pentacles often reminds us that there is more to life than money and struggles... and sometimes it's the simple things right in front of us that will bring us the most happiness.  (see classic card meaning and image here)  I feel this card is warning us that some of our plans for a perfect holiday might experience an upset of some kind... after all... Mercury is in it's slowing stage and will go into retrograde on Thanksgiving day!  But this doesn't mean we should hide in the bomb shelter for the next week... just remember that things usually aren't as bad as they seem!  After all... even though this housewife will now have to go buy a new set of dishes for the big day, I'll bet she ends up happier with her new set than she was with the old one!

The guidebook with this card says; "CRASH!  That's the sound of the stock market - and the stack of dishes you just dropped.  The 5 of Pentacles indicates a heavy financial loss.  What you must remember, however, is that in reality you've lost nothing.  Gravity and misfortune may have claimed your tableware, but it cannot smash your mojo.  Your meatloaf is still unsurpassed, and your pimento-gelatin molds are to die for.  Collect the broken pieces, whip out the Krazy Glue, and get started on repairing the damage."

Card 2; Page of Wands
This little messenger looks like he's here to stir up some trouble!  With family gatherings looming in our futures there's bound to be some Fire Energy... and from the look of this card we may have some unconventional mischief to deal with.  But this page is here to bring us some creativity, and a little bit of fun.  Whatever stresses the holidays bring upon us, it's time to take on the attitudes of this Page...confidence, courage, creativity, and enthusiasm.  He may have ripped his dress pants while riding around on that hobby horse... but it was a sight that the family will be laughing over for years to come!  The Page of Wands encourages us to have a positive outlook and try to think outside of the box to find where our true happiness lies.  Listen to your heart and go for it!  (Classic card image and meaning here) While there may be some setbacks and major stresses this holiday (5 of Wands)... we will do best when we take on the energy and attitude of this card.  And, if you have young children around for the holidays (yours, or someone else's).... enjoy their enthusiasm and let yourself join them in play and imagination.... it will make a difference and you will get thru the holidays AND nurture your Inner Child!

The guidebook from the deck says; "The Page of Wands usually denotes a charismatic child with an active imagination and a wellspring of energy.  A fun-loving explorer, he likes being the center of attention.  He may indicate the need to find a creative use for a skill you long thought merely functional.  This card can also herald the need for growth to bring your dreams into reality."

Card 3; 6 of Cups
Ahhh ... a card of refreshment and enjoyment.  There's nothing like enjoying your favorite beverage... and having enough to share with others! (Classic card meaning and image here)  This card speaks of enjoying the simple things... and enjoying the company of others.  A time of reminiscing over your childhood, exploring traditions, revoking memories, and being reunited with people from your past.  This card reinforces the previous card's advice to nurture and release your Inner Child.... despite the stress of the holidays, try to let yourself just enjoy it, and see it all through the eyes of a child again.  Remember what it was you enjoyed about this holiday before you had to worry about buying groceries, traveling, dealing with in-laws, cooking, and cleaning.  There was a simplicity, beauty, and love in the air that you could taste, see, smell, and actually enjoy because you weren't wrapped up in grown up "reality".  So see it that way again... there's no reason you can't.  Find it in yourself to focus on that energy of Giving and Gratitude, enjoyment of the company of others, pleasure in the little things, and take a walk or two down memory lane!  It's going to be the best way to get through the Thanksgiving Week! 

The guidebook with this card says; "The six of cups conjures up memories of days gone by, youthful expeditions, and long-lost loves.  The "coming home" card, it may signal a reunion with a childhood friend or even the rekindling of old romance.  Pucker up and savor the sweet and sour taste of nostalgia!"

I hope you all have a wonderful, enjoyable, and Safe holiday week!  Enjoy!
The Housewives' Tarot, by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum, Quirk Publications
I claim no ownership of this deck, it's artwork, or the shared message from the guidebook.
If you would like your own personal reading with The Housewives' Tarot, come check out the Domestic Divination section of my website! Have a Blessed week! ~ Lady Jo