

Monday, July 6, 2009

Manic Monday, July 6 2009

This day is flying by, I have kept myself busy with my FlyLady routines (Control Journal) and working on my Monday Mission. Mondays are "Weekly Home Blessing" day with the FlyLady program, so I take out trash, dust and vaccuum, and just do things to bless me home all over! I can now happily say that my home has gone from Chaotic to Company-Ready in only a couple hours, and I am feeling just wonderful!! Check this out; I was keeping track of my 30 minute bursts of cleaning with some of my "Motivated Mommas" cleaning buddies on CafeMom;

10:30 - 11:00 -
gave Xander a Bath
Picked up Bathroom (clothes & trash)
Swish & Swipe
Took out bathroom trash
Took all trash out to dumpster

11:15 - 11:45 -
Alyssa took her bath
Made lunch for kids
Put away dishes from yesterday (unloaded dishwasher)
washed reamining dishes (from weekend & breakfast)
Wiped Countertop

12:00 - 12:30
Decluttering in Zone (kitchen counters)
Zone Mission - Wiped down all kitchen counters)
Hot Spots in Kitchen and Livingroom
Dusted in Livingroom
Sprinkled "Carpet Fresh" to get ready 2 vaccuum
Sprayed for bugs in kitchen & livingroom (gotta keep them at bay!)

12:35 - 1:05
Vaccuumed Livingroom
5 minute room rescue Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Hot Spots
5 minute Room Rescue Kid's Bedroom
Unloaded Dishwasher again
reloaded dishwasher again (LOL)
Shined the sink!

1:10 - 1:40
Made a Menu Plan for the Week
Made a Grocery List
Wrote menu on white board in the kitchen

So that's it. About 3 hours of cleaning, with short breaks between each 30 minute mission, and my apartment is rescued and in much better repair than it was when I got up this morning!! Yay for me!! and a Big Thanks to my online cleaning buddies!!

okay, yes, I might be obsessing about cleaning again! But it feels right. There are worse things I could be obsessing about, right???

Here is my Menu Plan for the week. Honestly I used to hate making menu plans, but it saves me stress of worrying about what's for dinner each day, saves me money on my groceries, and helps me plan more balanced meals. I need to work on making Menu Planning a part of my Monday Routine and save myself a lot of stress!

Chicken Stir-Fry, Fruit Salad
Shepherd's Pie, Salad
Baked Chicken, Veggies, scalloped potatoes
Brats or Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, veggies
Salisbury Steaks, mashed potatoes, veggies
Hubby has this nite - BBQ!!
Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread


  1. Great job Wendy! I go through obsessing stages too & yes, there are worse things to obsess about! Just remember to take time to enjoy your family. I a truly guilty of not doing that. I house is in order and I have worked X hours today. All is well, except that I took no time to enjoy my family! I am working on it! The curse of a mama trying to juggle it all isn't it? I sure do miss chatting with you!

  2. were my inspiration for my menu planning! It was on my list of things to do yesterday & as usual, it fell to the wayside. Reading your post today reminded me of why it's important to take those few minutes to plan it out!

  3. Well now I feel like total crap! I started off wanting to get my house in order then spend the rest of the day with my girls but mother nature had other plans for me so I ended up on the couch all day! Hopefully tomorrow will be better for me but you did a great job today! Keep flying girl!
