

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday's Oracle ~ Financial Flow ~

Today I decided to use the "Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards" by Doreen Virtue. These cards are so beautifully illustrated, and each have some special message from the Fairies; which I see as our playful, instinctive, and mystical earth-angels who can help us see the lessons around us.

Financial Flow

from the guidebook by Doreen Virtue;
"You have manifested a new sense of abundance in your life. Any financial blocks have successfully been removed, and you are now in the flow of increased prosperity. Congratulations!
Your finances are moving up to new level. You have been praying for increased flow and have been viualizing greater wealth. Your positive thoughts and desires have resulted in a rich vein of abundance coming your way. This good fortune not only applies to money, but also to increased opportunities in your professional and personal life.
The fairies, who are extreme experts in manifestation, advise you to keep a positive and joyful heart as you experience your wonderful new state. Continually affirm, "I graciously accept good into my life right now" and " I deserve abundance." If you find that this financial flow ever becomes interrupted, ask the fairies to help you adjust your thoughts and emotions so you can graciously and willingly accept all of the gifts that you so richly deserve."

Affirmation; "I am financially secure. I am supported abundantly today, and every day in the future."

Last night / early this morning was the Full Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn is a sign that rules over our financial flow, our earthly stability, our self-control, and our desires to succeed in life. Last night at midnight as I stood under the glowing Full Moon, I prayed for guidance. I asked that I would be able to see my blessings and manage my money and bills in an organized way. I asked for the ability to trust that money will be there when I need it, and to not worry or needlessly stress over my financial situations. I stood there, talking to the moon, and I was overwhelmed with such a sense of peace and happiness. I asked for blessings that will help carry me through each day, in the form of motivation, organization, self-control, and wisdom. Being a Capricorn myself, I simply asked that I could be myself in the most positive way.

Today I have continued to feel that peace that I felt last night. I have been motivated and organized, and I found myself better able to control my reactions to my childrens' crazy antics. And money was the least of my worries. So when I drew this card this evening, it was like the fairies were confirming what I already knew, and they were asking me to continue affirming the good in my life. Keep on trusting in the universe, keep on having faith, visualize your dreams coming true, and keep working on your goals. I have been focusing a lot on decluttering my home; and I truly feel that the more decluttered and organized my home becomes, the more decluttered and free my mind and spirit become as well. As I learn to let go of things that hold me back, and embrace the feeling of empowerment as I take control of my home life, I can better see the bigger picture, focus on my true goals, and really begin to manifest a positive financial flow in my life!

My goals;
* Continue to Declutter, releasing negative energy as I empower myself.
* Be Thankful every day for what I have; start a "Gratitude Journal" again.
* Affirm the positive by speaking only of the good financial flow in my life.
* No more "Stinkin' Thinkin'" or Speaking, when it comes to money - instead of "I can't afford it", or "I wish I had this", or "Money is so tight right now", I will say; "I will be able to afford that soon!", "I am so thankful that I have ____", and "All my needs are provided for!"

On a side note, speaking of Financial Flow, I thought I would share with you this video.
It's from David Wolfe's "Longevity Now" series which is a great series on health and positivity.

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