

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And the award goes to.....

Me! LOL!
I was given this Blog award by "Little Ladybugs Boutique" - I was quite honored and thrilled at recieving my very first Blog Award (Blaward??) So THANKYOU Little Ladybugs! I would also like to thank....all my followers! It gives me great satisfaction to know that my thoughts are not just lost in space, they are first observed by my followers and then lost in cyber-space. See what a difference that makes??
But wait, there's more! In accepting this Award for "One Lovely Blog", I have been asked to, in turn, present this award to 10 more deserving "Lovely Blogs"! It is now my honor to present the following blogs with this award.....
1. College Mama Dorkiness - Your blogs make me smile. I love hearing about life of other moms, and I love Dorks. Because, well, I am one. (SSSHHhhhh, don't tell!)
2. Happy WAHM at In My Little World in OH - Another mom's inspirational blog. Feeling overwhelmed, in need of motivation? This is where to go. One look at this mom's busy life, positive attitude, and jam-packed daily schedules will either have you motivated or just happy that your life is a little bit slower.... :o)
3. Thorne's World - I love reading Thorne's blogs. They are informative, inspirational, and fun! Thorne helps remind me of why I'm on this path, and that spirituality can be found in the everyday world.
4. Willow Tree Tarot - Not just another Tarot blog :o) Great thoughts, ideas, and info here!
5. Laura Lynn Astrology - This author/astrologer/friend has a GREAT sense of humor!! I love to read aboutastrology, and Laura's humorous-yet-true descriptions has ad me ROTFL many times!
6. Earth Mother Astrology - This is a truly great blog for learning about Astrology; and how to apply this knowledge as a Mother! This as helped me learn the basics in delineating a chart, and what it all means!
7. Sloth womyn at ....snapshots of a spiral path - I have loved reading your thoughts, seeing your snapshots, and thinking deep thoughts with you.
8. Queen Mimi Pencilskit @ Mimi Writes - did you think I would forget you? Never, my queen!! Humor, wit, words, words words. oOh how I love what Mimi Writes!
9. Twilight Widowers Annonymous - A man who has become a "Widower" because of his wife's consuming Twilight Addiction.....This blog makes me laugh so hard!! Whether you love Twilight, hate it (God forbid!) or could care less, this blog will surely make you smile!
10. LotusMoonFlower at A Witch's Tale. Last, but not least. Girl, I love you! And since I can give this award to whoever I want, I give it to you! I love reading your opinions and rants; whether it be books, movies, life, or some idiot at the grocery store, I will always, always, read your blogs!
Please stop by and check out these wonderful blogs, who knows? You may find something you like!
To the Award Recipients; please leave a comment! Snag the award, post it on your blog, and then pass out up to 10 more awards to your favorite bloggers! Don't forget to link to them (and to me, if you would be so kind!)


  1. Wow! Thank you so much! I kid you not, that brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe it! Your so awsome! I will definately be passing it on. Thank you so much so such an honor!

  2. Thank you so much Wendy!!! You are incredibly sweet!

  3. I will have to do this a little later when I am not in the middle of working & watching the season 3 finale of Dexter!!! LOL!

  4. Ahhh, I'm honored! LOL...get ready for a good rant today because I made a trip to the grocery store.....WITH my six year old! Holy crap, save me.
    Thank You!!

  5. Wow, thanks!
    This is my first blog award...I didn't prepare a speech...

    It feels good when people can relate to me. It makes me feel not crazy. Know that my goal is to be a brutally honest as possible.

    Power to pagan parents!
    many blessings to you and your family:)
