

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Anti-Procrastination Day

With the FlyLady cleaning & decluttering program, you have much more than just daily routines, you have daily and weekly themes as well!!

Wednesdays are "Anti-Procrastination Day", and whenever I finish the daily chores, it's time to pick a project or two that I have been putting off and get it done!! Whether it be a chore that I missed during the week, a trip to the store, phone calls or bill paying, or a decluttering or organizing project that always seems to get put off, today is the day I should try to get some of it done!

I LOVE how I feel when I get stuff done that I have been putting off! It makes me feel so.... LIBERATED!! It really takes a weight off my back, puts some skip in my step, and just makes me feel happy and proud! I can be a really bad procrastinator! (Enter my Personality Card; 0 The Fool) I often can get swept up in the moment, forget things, and then not get back to them later. Sometimes I get so exited about whatever adventure I'm currently on, that I neglect to take care of the details. Or I will feel like it's "too big a job", get overwhelmed and frustrated an not do it at all!!

So, I'm making a List (yes, I LOVE making lists, LOL!) of the possible projects I can undertake on Anti-Procrastination Day from now on, and hope that this blog will be here to remind me that getting this stuff done not only blesses my home & family, but gives me some inner peace!! As I get stuff done I'll even come back and edit this post to mark stuff off so I can see my progress!


  • Catch up on Zone Work; Decluttering, Missions, or Detailing for the week
  • Do any chores I might have missed thru the week
  • Work on my Control Journal
  • Pay Bills / Banking
  • work on my Budget
  • Pick up necessities at the store
  • Declutter Paper Work - Go thru the bag of papers & mail in the bedroom
  • Declutter the File Cabinet
  • Declutter / organize the "Junk Drawer" in my dresser
  • Go thru my clothes in the Dresser, organize, fling, etc.
  • Go thru my clothes in the Closet, organize, fling, etc.
  • Declutter / Clean under the bed
  • Declutter / Organize the Kid's Clothes (Dressers)
  • Organize the stuff in the hide-away under my Altar
  • Organize / declutter the small wire shelf in Bedroom
  • Organize the Closet (my side)
  • Organize the Closet (hubby's side)
  • Clean & Declutter bedside table (hubby's side of bed)
  • Paper Clutter & organizing the Computer Desk
  • Decluttering / Organizing the Patio
  • Wash Crayon off a wall (pick a wall - any wall!)
  • Empty e-mail (delete old e-mails
  • Empty Voice Mail (listen to & delete old e-mails
  • Make important phone calls

P.S. - For today's Anti-Procrastination Day, I finished my Zone Work for the week (Front Entrance/Dining Room), AND I went thru the Girl's Sock & Underwear drawers, which had become a huge mess - this involved getting rid of 16 pairs of old underwear, 40 old socks, and separating the girl's socks & panties into their own separate dressers! Whew! I feel so accomplished!


  1. I love Flylady and somehow missed this. (Most likely I procrastinated reading something Flylady related. lol) I love the idea of having an Anti-Procrastination Day. For me the best day would be Thursday which is also Desk Time and Errand Day. (Actually I really need to move Errand Day to Monday, because I always need to grocery shop at the beginning of the week, but I digress.) Great post! Thanks!
