

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday's Oracle - Look Inside Yourself

It's been awhile since I've done a Tuesday Oracle reading for you, but today it seemed like the perfect thing to do! This morning when I was getting ready to do my daily draw, I felt drawn to my Healing With The Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. After I sat and meditated for awhile, asked the Fairies to give me a message that would not only apply to me personally, but a message for some readers of my blog as well. So I'm sure that somewhere out there, this message is for you!

We have all started off the New Year with high hopes for what the year will bring, what we hope to accomplish, and New Years' resolutions or goals... but many of us find that somehow within a brief span of 11 days, our plans already seem thwarted, some of our positivity and focus already seems to be disappearing, and we may already be doubting what kind of year 2011 will be. I know that on New Year's Eve I spent the day cleaning my house, convinced that if I started the year off with a clean home it would be easier to keep it that way! Here I sit, 11 days later, the laundry has piled up again, dishes are piled in the sink, and there is clutter taking over just about every flat surface that I look at. I feel so tempted to say, "Well, so much for being organized in 2011. Maybe I'll just NEVER be organized or be able to stay on top of the housework." But if I allow myself to feel that way, and give up after just 11 days, then that will be exactly what happens! But somehow if I look inside myself, I will be able to find my inner Neat-Freak and give her an outlet. Yes, there will be times that the housework piles up... but I think if I have faith in myself and don't give up, there will also be times when I meet all my expectations... (Yes, even those Capricorn Perfectionist expectations!)

The same applies to my goal of quitting smoking. Which at this point I must admit, has been a failure. I have had some serious doubts, thinking maybe I'll never really be able to quit, maybe I have no willpower and self control, maybe I just don't care enough about my health and my future to succesfully quit. I mean, why else do I keep going back to smoking? But I'm not giving up on myself quite yet... and this card has reminded me that I DO have the strength inside of me, the willpower is there, and I can't allow myself to rely too much on outside sources to get me to my goal. The connection with the Divine is INSIDE ME, and that's what I will need to tap into to meet my goals; whether they are to clean my house, quit smoking, or anything else. It's the same for You. Whatever doubts you may be having... they aren't coming from Inside you... those doubts don't come from your core where you are connected with the Divine. If you really look inside yourself, to the very center... there is Love. That love is like an endless battery that can give power to whatever you want to focus it on.

"I have great beauty and light inside of me right now. I tap into all the knowledge of the Universe."

1 comment:

  1. a wonderful card for the new year and time of year. beautiful deck by the way
