

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommy Time Monday - 3 of Cups

Each week (If life permits!) I will draw a card from The Housewives Tarot and share it with you! So stop in, grab a cup of coffee, and see what the Housewives have to share with you!


I've been so busy lately, I've had no time for blogging. Or that's what I've been telling myself anyways. I know, I know.... excuses, excuses! I do apologize for my absence! Anyways, I'm here now, and I have a card for us this week!

Today I drew the Three of Cups. My first thought was, "OK, am NOT pregnant!" But then I remembered that there is more than one kind of fertility, and conception does not always come in the form of a fetus. This makes sense... I have been FULL of new ideas, inspirations, my mind and heart are just OVERFLOWING with this new energy. I think it's part of the season.... SPRING! Spring brings us more than a chance to do Spring Cleaning and plant a garden, but it gives us a renewal of spirit as well. With the sun in powerful fiery Aries, our activity levels will be increasing and inspirations and new ideas abound. So today's card really just accents and confirms this energy I've been feeling. And I know I'm not the only one! So many of my friends have felt this energy - some in the form of a spiritual awakening, some in the form of just plain being BUSY. For some, the change has been an upheaval of sorts, but whatever change has occurred will make way for something new and fresh!

The guidebook by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum says; "3 of Cups; Creation, Change, Conception As two glasses toast, their contents spill into a third. What delicious cocktail will they create? The Three of Cups is a card of creation, the beginning of something new conceived by the mixing of two forces. It may be a wedding, a birth, or just a joyous occasion worth celebrating. Shaken or stirred, your life is in for a significant change."

So what in your life is being transformed, renewed, or created right now? When you found out you were pregnant you started taking prenatal vitamins to help the baby grow and develop. So what steps can you take now to promote the development and healthy growth of the changes within your life?

The classic meanings of this card also emphasize the partnership with others in our life. After all, many new goals and changes take a collaboration of some kind, and the Three of Cups celebrates the changes and creations that are similar to Pregnancy, Marriage, and Friendship. So as you think about what changes are being conceived in your life right now, think about your relationships and the impacts these have on your growth. Take time to celebrate the relationships that improve your life and help you grow! Also, if there are any relationships in your life that aren't worth celebrating (negative relationships that bring you down) then don't feel guilty about putting some distance in those relationships or cutting them out all together. Think of your friends and relationships like those prenatal vitamins.... if they help your growth and encourage healthy changes in your life, take them in large doses and celebrate them! If they bring you down... well that's the same as eating nothing but junk food while you're pregnant... it's not beneficial.

Here's an affirmation for you for the week; "I celebrate my joy and happiness, and I help create positive changes in my life!"

Want more? Stop by my website and see the new Domestic Divination section! You can get your own tarot reading with the Housewives Tarot and see what advice and motivation The Housewives have for you!

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