

Friday, December 14, 2012

12 Days of Yule; Day 4, Gratitude & New Moon

This is what I posted yesterday at Journal Yourself Awake;

At there is a list of 12 Days of Yule Devotionals and I think they are wonderful! I will share them here, along with my own thoughts on how you can journal on the Daily Devotions. I will also share some other Winter Holidays, traditions, and Lore to consider, which you can also choose to journal or blog about if you wish!

December 13, 2012 - Day 4

Day 4 ; Counting Your Blessings;
Yule should be a time of joy and happiness, but for many people it can be stressful. This is a season to take a moment and be thankful for the blessings you have, and to take a moment to remember those less fortunate.

"I am grateful for that which I have.
I am not sorrowful for that which I do not.
I have more than others, less than some,
but regardless, I am blessed with
what is mine."

By Patti Wigington;
My Journaling / Blogging suggestion;
Make another gratitude list! List people, things, and events that you are thankful for! Writing a Gratitude list is always a feel-good thing to do, it will lift your spirits and help banish stresses and worries to just spend a few minutes thinking about all you have to be grateful for! Try to spend a full 5 minutes adding things to your list! Keep writing even if the things you write seem trivial... just keep the gratitude flowing for as long as you can!
Today, Dec. 13, 2012 - is also the New Moon! This goes quite well with our gratitude journaling for the day... it is always good to start the New Moon energy flowing with some gratitude! Yesterday we wrote about some of the dark times we have gone through and the negativity we want to release. Today, focus on those positive aspects of what you have learned. I always like to think of the New Moon as a fresh start. I can wipe the slate clean, and start the new cycle however I want!
My Journaling/ Blogging suggestion;
Write about your strengths, and how you have improved your life over the past year, and make a "wish list" of wishes and goals for the coming year. What do you want to experience more of in the future? Write it down, but fully claim it! Don't just say "I want to experience more love.".... fully claim it and write "I fully welcome more love into my life now!"
Also, for a wonderful "New Moon in Sagittarius" Meditation and visualization, check this page out;
I didn't have time to write here last night, but here are some of my own thoughts from yesterday's New Moon and Yule meditation;
Part 1 - Gratitude;
I am thankful for-
My job, having a job that understands that as a mother of 3 children things come up and I can't always work the hours I am scheduled for.  I am also thankful that my job is both close to my home and close to my children's school, and I can easily walk to either place after work.  My co-workers are some of the best people I know and I am happy to be surrounded by such loving, hard working, generous people on a daily basis!
My husband's job.  He has been laid off for a few months, but this week he started work again!  Money is still tight as we now try to catch up, but I am so grateful that he has the opportunity to work, and that we can finally breathe a little easier, knowing that a paycheck will be coming again soon!  And I am grateful that my husband is a hard working man, committed to doing hard work to provide for his family!
My parents - who have helped us both financially and with emotional support and love during our time of need!
My friends... my Friends who are physically close to me, and my online, long-distance friends who offer me so much support! I am thankful for all we have learned from each other, and for the bond we share!
My children... three amazing little souls who share their life with me!  I can't even begin to explain all the ways they have blessed my life... it would take more than one blog post to even go into that!!
Part 2 - New Moon
For my New Moon ritual I took the pieces of paper that I had written down things I want to attract into my life on.  During the Dark Moon ritual I had written down the things I want to be removed from my life, and burned them.  Since nature does not allow a vacuum, I wrote an equal number of positives to replace the negatives that I released. 
I drew a hot bath, added Sage (for Wisdom), Lavender (for peace), Salt (for purification), and milk (for nurturing and Moon Mother energy) and I soaked in the bath and meditated.  For me, the bath is my favorite place to meditate and do spell work!  I took each piece of paper, one at a time, held it in my hand and visualized myself receiving a gift from The Goddess and God.  I unwrapped each gift in my mind, and inside of it was what I had written on the paper (example; Good Health).  I then dropped the paper into the bath water and visualized myself immersed in the Gift.  I saw it, felt it, revelled in it.  Then I would pick another piece of paper, receive another "gift" and continue with the visualization process.  It was a very beautiful and simple ritual and left me feeling very blessed and ready to begin this new moon cycle. 

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