

Saturday, January 5, 2013

FlyLady Pagan Style - Babysteps Day 5

For those of you who don't know what FlyLady is, it's an inspirational website designed to help you clean and de-clutter your home and your life. It helps you create routines that work for you, your lifestyle & your family to help housekeeping become stress-free and something you just do naturally and daily rather than something you put off until the last minute and then stress about when you have company coming over.

I have felt for awhile now that many aspects of the FlyLady program can be applied in spiritual ways to those who consider themselves, Neo-Pagans, Kitchen Witches, Hearth Witches, Green Witches, etc. I will be going over some FlyLady basics here in my blog and writing about how they can be seen as a spiritual thing; not just a house-cleaning and organizing thing! If you missed it, check out my post called "FlyLady - Pagan Style; Welcome Letter"

When you start with FlyLady, there are 31 days of "Baby Steps" to help you slowly start to integrate small changes into your daily routines. It's about developing habits and changing your mind-set to a positive one!

BabySteps Day 5
Keep Doing what you have been doing!
Look at the written reminders you have made for yourself!
Get Dressed To Shoes When you Get up!
Keep Your Sink Shining!
Read messages at the FlyLady Website.
(FlyLady's Day 5 Message here)

Along with doing what you have already been doing, take some more time to check out the FlyLady website.  See how the program works if you are unfamiliar with it, read some letters, news and testimonials to get a feel for it and see how it has helped others.  Keep on thinking positive!  Today FlyLady suggests that you write down any negative things you say to yourself, like; "I will never have the time to get all this done", or "It doesn't matter what I do, it all gets messed up again the next day."  Write down these negative things you say to yourself, and have a good look at them.  Then try to write down some positive things to say instead.  "I don't have to get it all done now!  I do what I have time to do and this blesses my home and family!"  or "What I do DOES matter, even if I need to do it again tomorrow I am showing love to myself and my family by getting it done!"

Keep it up! By now your sink has been shining for 5 days and you can bee feeling very proud of that!

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