

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekly Housewife's Report 9/5/09

I feel like I got a lot accomplished this week and am finally getting used to the new routines with the girls in school and stuff.
I think that although it's really hot, the exercise from walking the girls to and from school each day has helped improve my mood a bit. I have always heard that exercise can help with depression and lift your mood, but I never really thought about it much before. Some days I am tempted to have a neighbor or friend pick them up or take them to school, and in some ways I think they are old enough to walk home by themselves. They are 10 and 6, they know the way very well, it is only about 3 blocks, and there is a large group of other kids they could walk with. But, thinking of it in terms of exercise for me and Mr. X, and a way to both help improve my mood and run off some of his boundless energy, I think I'll keep walking with them.
As far as my housework this week, I feel like I have been doing great!! With my blog earlier in the week I talked about some of my goals for this week and did a reading for myself with my Housewives Tarot deck about where I would draw my energy/inspiration from this week. Looking back, it seems those cards were very fitting, I certainly was motivated and energetic, I did have the right state of mind to stick to my goals, and I feel I was able to blend in just enough spirituality into the daily grind to make my days feel less like a "daily grind" and more like blessings!
Remember my goals for the week?
  • To Spend 30 minutes a day doing Pre-School stuff with Mr. X - DONE!! I did it! I managed to work preschooling time into my daily routine, and I'm still finishing up the stuff I need to do. Mr. X is loving the one-on-one time with me and excited to be doing "homework" just like his big sisters do!

  • To Work on Detail Cleaning Zone 1 - yep yep! It's amazing to find myself at this stage of the FlyLady program. I mean, I scrubbed walls and baseboards!! I was no longer worried about decluttering my front entrance or Dining Room - everything that is in those areas belongs there!! So I didn't have to worry about that and now those areas look and feel really nice - the walls are white again!! LOL!! PLUS - (this is a HUGE bonus) the KIDS must have gotten a touch of the Decluttering/Detailing Bug, because they surprised me by "Organizing" all the magnets on the fridge in the dining room!! PICTURE BELOW!!

  • To do my daily routines & daily cleaning - YES, I have applied all my willpower and kept up with the daily cleaning!! Plus on Friday I took on an extra project - not one that was directed by FlyLady, but one that I did of my own accord - I cleaned and decluttered in my Master Bedroom. One part of the bedroom had become a complete disaster... *discreetly points finger and Husband* Shhhhhh!! I took care of it. (more PICTURES BELOW)
  • To do my Bedtime Routine every night - YES!! (except for last night, ssshhhh!) And I am LOVING how I can get up in the morning, find my clothes already laid out for me, find my sink shining and all my dishes washed, and not have to play "Catch Up" for the first part of my morning!! A couple more weeks of doing this every night, and it will truly be a Habit, just like my morning routine is!
... The kids did this as a "suprise" for me!!

BEFORE & AFTER ... look, there IS a floor/space to walk between the bed and the wall!

Ok! I'm off to do my evening routine, and then go to bed! Tomorrow I will try out my new "Weekend Flightplan" and see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Kudos to so much in the post. First, yes, walking does improve the mood. I do it as often as possible. Running again is what put me back in my happy place after my nasty break up last year. I feel like me again because of running. Just walking and noticing nature is so calming so me.Thers nothing better.
