

Friday, April 19, 2013

Full Moon Spell to Heal The Earth

Air Element Study, Lesson Two
Air Pollution and what we Can Do About It.
A Full Moon Spell to Gaia for Healing of the Earth

For this spell, you may choose different candle colors, herbs, and incesne based on the type of Environmental Healing you want to do.  (Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Earth Pollution)  You may choose to do this healing based on the astrological sign of the Full Moon.  For example, the upcoming Full Moon will be Wednesday/Thursday April 24th and 25th, and it will be in Libra, an Air Sign.  So I would choose correspondences to go with Air Healing.  For my full list of correspondences for Environmental healing please read this post.

Gather your herbs, incense, two candles, crystals of your choice, and a cauldron or offering bowl.

Open the circle, and meditate for awhile on your intent.  When you are ready, place the herbs you chose in the offering bowl, arrange the crystals around it.  Set one candle behind it.  Light the candle and incense.  Place both hands, palm down on the altar and chant;

"Mother Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, 
I give you honor,
for without your care and being
I would have no home.
Earth Mother, hear my words.

I have need of your Divine Presence."

Light the second candle from the flame of the first, and carry it to the East.

"Awake, Earth Mother!
Your winds are heavy and foul!
Sweep them clean again!"

Carry the candle to the South

"Awake, Earth Mother!
Your children need your cleansing rays of light.
Our atmosphere is in trouble!"

Carry the candle to the West.

"Awake, Earth Mother! 
The plants and animals and humans are in danger.
Protect your children!"

Carry the candle to the North.

"Awake, Earth Mother!
The planet itself is sick.
Do not destroy us in order to restore balance.
Rather inspire us to all work together as healers of our world.

Come again to your children, Gaia!"

Place the candle on the altar.  Stand with upraised arms

"Awaken our minds and souls, Gaia!
Teach all humans to respect their home.
Teach us responsibility, 
whether it be of chemicals or population,
Awaken us all to the needs of our Earth!"

Thank Gaia for her presense, and extinguish the candles.  Put the herbs outside as an offering to the Earth.  Or, if you wish, leave the candles lit while you do another spell or say more prayers for healing of the Air (or Earth, or Water, whatever the focus of your spell.)  Make sure you follow through by doing your part to help heal the Earth!

Read Here for another prayer to heal the skies.
Read Here for a Meditation on Healing the Earth on Pollution (You could do this meditation at either the beginning or end of your spell)
If you have chosen a couple simple ways that you want to help reduce air pollution, whether you are making changes in your lifestyle or it is something you have already begun doing, here is a simple blessing prayer to dedicate your activity to the greater good of healing The Air.

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