

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekly Housewife's Report 8/8/09

I like to take a little time each week to look back over my accomplishments. I call it my "Weekly Housewife's Report", and it's always evolving and changing, just like me!

Weekly Housewife's Reports for the week of August 2 - 8
Remember the beginning of the week? I went to a party at a bar with some co-workers... so unlike me!! Out of the house, away from the kids, drinking.... it was a much needed and much deserved diversion to stray from my usual life.

So then came Monday, with a bit of a hangover, a really messy house, and a lot of mixed feelings. But I managed to pull myself up and get my home back in order again, which always helps me feel much better! Plus I learned a good lesson about Temperance, balance, and compassion. Hangover, Housekeeping, Temperance and Quan Yin

FlyLady's Zone of the week was the Front Entrance & Dining Room; in my apartment this is probably the easiest zone to conquer. I ended up cleaning up my front entrance pretty good, sweeping, wiping the door inside and out, wiping down the light switches, and organizing the shelf in the dining room. Since this Zone wasn't taking too much time out of my daily cleaning, and I was surprisingly motivated, I dedicated a lot of time each day this week to decluttering in the Kid's Room. ~Gasp!!~ I know - I braved the depths of darkness and barbies and came out o.k.!! I cleaned out under their beds, and decluttered each drawer in their dressers! This involved going thru ALL of their clothes, having "fashion shows" to try everything on and see what fits & what doesn't. All in all, I flung a huge garbage bag of clothes that my 3 kids no longer wear, don' fit, or is just plain too stained or worn out to be counted as clothing anymore. All of this will be donated to a local Shelter. A customer at work donated some clothes to my kids - her grand-daughters are about the same size as mine, just a little bigger and they had a lot of stuff they outgrew over the summer; so my kids made out quite nicely!! So we tried on all of these and refilled their dresser drawers with "new" clothes - just in time for school!! Thank goodness for friends and blessings, that kind gesture saved me so much; I had been worried about sending the girls back to school in their clothes from last year! No Worries!!

I'm so proud of the fact that I finally got into the kid's room and gave it a good decluttering! It's something I have been putting off. Speaking of putting things off, I made a new page for my Online Control Journal this week (It's a FlyLady thing) - it's called Anti-Procrastination Day and now I have some goals for getting those things done that I always seem to put off!

Another great accomplishment this week was in the realm of House-Hunting. We are so ready to get out of this apartment and into a home we can call our own! We spent a few hours looking at prospective homes on the market and put some offers out there!! So cross your fingers, say a prayer, or light a candle, I know the right house will come to us soon!!

Friday was Princess A's Birthday! I can hardly believe that she is already SIX years old!! For this week's Thursday's 13, I did a photo essay of sorts dedicated to these amazing 6 years; Thursday's 13 - Princess A turns 6! Daddy took her out to see Ice Age 3, and she LOVED it!! Plus she got to spend special time with her daddy; something that is too rare since he works SO MUCH!! We are having a small party for her tomorrow, so we are all pretty excited about that!!

As far as taking time for myself this week, I took a "day off" from cleaning on Thursday, mostly because I didn't feel good. But the extra sleep sure was nice!! And on Friday, while Daddy & Princess A were at the movies, I gave myself a Reading. I think it really helped me put some things in perspective, gave me some great insights into my personal development at this time, and seemed to have a positive outlook for my future!! You can read it (and see the spread I used) here Tarot Spread - Leo ~ I Want ~

How's it going with Quitting Smoking you ask? Well, other than my drunken smoking binge on Sunday, I have done great!! It's officially day 16!! And while I still am struggling with some of the physical cravings, I feel like the habitual part is starting to fade away!! There are some times of day I struggle more than others, mostly at night, when I used to smoke the most, but for the most part I am doing great! When I have faltered and smoked, it has seemed like more of an indulgence than a habit or an addiction. But I am working on controlling that need for indulgence as well - or at least directing it elsewhere!!

Okay! On to the next week!


  1. Hang in there girl! I know how hard quitting smoking is. It's not easy, but it'll get easier day by day, I promise.

  2. I really love these Wendy....I may have to take a page from your book & start doing a weekly recap! It may help me figure out where I am spending my time, etc. Kudos to you my dear! You are an inspiration!
